Saturday, March 24, 2012

Joangel's Interview


1-how long have you lived here in New York?

I have lived in N.Y for 18 years.

2- where did you go to college? what kind of student where you at high school? what were your favorite class?
I wend to Borough of Manhattan community college in 2005-2008
Well I have always been a shy student. But I always knew I wanted to help my community so I started taking courses in pre-clinical nursing and finally decided I wanted to be an early childhood educator. Therefore I obtained my  associate degree in Early Childhood Education.

3-did you go to college? graduate school? if so. where? for how long? what degree did you earn? are you interested in going back to college? if so. what are you planing to study?
Yes I did go College.  I went to BMCC. I graduated after three years and obtained my Associate in Applied Sciences and Early Childhood Education. I plan to finish my B.S in ECE at The city college of NY. I will like to obtain a Masters in applied behavioral analysis or speech pathology.    

4-how did you choose you current occupation?
I have always wanted to work in something related to helping people. In this case I wanted to help children and their families. 
I searched the Internet. Early head start. Preschool teacher. Methods of teaching and read about it a lot.

5- what steps did you take to get this job? how did you learn about it? how many interviews did you have? was the hiring process difficult, or not. if a person were looking for a job at this company, what advices would you offer?
 I decided to start searching online and asking friends if they knew about places that needed ECE teachers. I worked on my resume and sent it out to various companies during the summer time. I finally received a call from a director and we scheduled an appointment for my interview at a her children's center.   I had little experience from my internships but brought with me three recommendation letters from my professors.

6- did you work somewhere else before this job? where?  for how long was the job similar or similar?  Yes, I used to work downtown Manhattan for another children's company. I worked there for three years.  It was similar in the sense that I worked with children but the children were much younger.  Here at El Pequeno Artista the children are in a mixed age group learning from each other and speaking Spanish throughout the day so yes its a very different experience from my previous job.
7- how did you see your future at this company? if you are planing in changing job, what will you do?
I believe this job is a great learning experience.  I have become inspired to continue my  studies and become a speech pathologist in the future. I will definitely stay working with children here at El Pequeno Artista for a while since I just started working here a few months ago. 

8-what advices would you give to teenage intern( such my elf) getting ready for college? My advice is to plan ahead. Obtain information about your career path from your professors advisers and good friends.  

9-what advice would you give to teenage interns( such myself) preparing to find career?
Think about a career that you will really enjoy.

10-what are the two example of challenges you face at working here?
Two examples of challenges are waking up after night school and in the classroom would be managing the younger children to concentrate.

11-what is the best part of your job?
The best part of my job is that I get a laugh about the ingenious things said and done by the children every day.

12-what is something you would like to change about your job?
I would love it if the school had a back yard in order to work outdoors with the children though we still have the wonderful group walks to the park.

Friday, March 9, 2012


My supervisor name’s Carolina Conde-Perry, a pre-school teacher.  Her office is located on Prospect Av, 249 20th st. She is very friendly person, respectful, educated, helpful and a calm person. The environment where I work is so quit that I can’t believe that it’s a place where they work with kids, it’s very different from IHSL the kids are very respectful not like here. The walls are painted with a beautiful light green and a light orange. I have saw the parents coming to the meeting and two more young women who help me with everything, i need help with.
I many times cut paper and pick up and fix the things the kids leave in the floor. And clean the turtle tank. I arrive to there about 1:05 MP and leave from there to home at 3:20 MP,and Tuesdays from 1:05 to 5:10 PM.
I first though that this Internship was going to be depressive and hard to me, because I did think that the kinds were going to start to ask me many questions. But now everything is different and, I feel  that I have the best Internship from the whole school and everything is so peaceful and calm everyday. I love it.