Wednesday, April 18, 2012

                                    Mid-Point Reflection
The purpose of the organization I’m working for is to teach the children how to speak Spanish from their first year at the school to the last and to show them who to be able to know or identify words in English and Spanish. My internship has been similar to my expectation, because I knew that I will have to work kids and they would be annoying and they would sometime not listen to me, but it has been very different to my expectation because not all of them are in respectful children and I seat with them and try to help them to understand some stuff that are difficult to them, and during the moment I’m seating next them they hug me and look at me very happy of having me there. I have a great relationship with my mentor the co-worker specially with co-workers, one of them is Edit she is the head-teacher and she is very respectful and lovely person and she is always telling me that I’m a sweet person for the children, my mentor Carolina she is also a great person she is very funny and seems to enjoy the type of job she does at El Pequeno Artista.  I have grown interacting with professional people in the way I use to communicate and how to listening to the very carefully and by showing  them my good skills to work and be able to do, what they require me to have done well. My internship environment is the same environment as in IHSL because, I work with co-workers that are from Mexico and my mentor that is from Venezuela and we kind of share our culture together as in HISL. I have learned pretty much good skills; one of the most important to me is how to deal with kids and have patience with them and the other is how to keep myself moving toward during the time you I’m present in the office finding something to do. One of the biggest challenges I had during the beginning of internship was how to manage my time wisely and be able to do many things, the specific step I toke to beat this challenges was to wake up early so I can be able to prepared some breakfast and them get early to me college now class and then be on time for my first period of class, when I stared this process it did really work for myself. Internship has affect me a lot in usually in the way I use to manage everything to keep moving toward myself in class, but this was not  obstacle to keep away from good class work I steal having my good grades in class of course, that I try all the time to give the best of myself.  Something that I have learned new about New York is that many part of here are connected my internship site is not very far away from my house and also the park closet to it  is close to the place where I live.

In this smiling face, I can see the future of the many of the heroes I work with in my internship just looking at their face I can see the bright of them, the soft color all over the paper mixed and the smile of a start make me look at myself and go back and think when I was like them, in this picture I defined part of my life that it’s in my internship. 


  1. Oh wow Joangel,
    It's so nice the way you describe your internship. I can see that you really love working there, I feel you gonna be a great teacher.
    Your poem is soo cute.I love it.

  2. You get to use what you already know, teach them how to speak well ok. Yes from this picture I can see they innocence and the bright future that awaits them. You must like the kids very much. You must work hard for them ok.

  3. i really like your internship because you teaching you own language!and also you receiving a smile from the kids that just make you day !i know that for sure because i work with kids also!!

  4. Great to see you learned so much already. The caption of the picture really make me so touched!!! You are a children lover! I will like to see their smiley face all the time and see them grow and learn everyday!

  5. Your internship is really good and you are learning a lot from there. The picture is really good and as Yishan the caption is really good. I am sure you are enjoying your time there. Good Job:)
