Friday, May 25, 2012

Internship Final Reflection

   From the start of my internship my personal goal was, to impress my supervisor and the co-worker, I have achieved this goal, by helping the kids to learn how to count numbers, and also reading books to them and explain with actions the main point of the story.
  One important skill that I have learn from the past 10 weeks from my internship site is, to deal with kids and how to find the best way to help them to learn something.
  Having a relationship with my supervisor and mentor have meant to my personal development, much than what I thought it was going to be, thanks to my supervisor and mentor I have learn very important things such as having good connections with others, and also how to be a mature and professional person in front of adults.  As a student in this nation I have grew up, by having networking with others and also as a more prepared person during this generation.
 One of my more memorable moments from my internship experience, was the first time I meet the kids and the head teacher at El Pequeno Artista
My thoughts about career, job and the professional world, I think this is a great field where we enjoy and do what we love to do, and every day we can spent something new and more interesting about our job or profession.
Internship have been a great place to help me discover more my interest in college and obtain my diploma in the profession I’m interesting in, as a result of it I keep myself interesting and with the hope to pursue the fame and form part of its field.
My bigger challenges had be my sophomore year, when everything stated to get harder to me and difficult to keep myself focused in my classes. The way I handle this challenge was by talking to my mom and Ms: Patty about my feelings and also by saying to myself that I can, and that there is nothing impossible to get done and by saying to myself that I got to stop this problem and become a better person in life.
If I were going to start a brand new internship next week, two things that I would do differently than my first time, research well my internship location and be very attentive with the hours.
Some advices that I would give to a new intern are; never be in respectful to your supervisor, get on time to your internship site and always say thanks, not matter what.
I will really miss the kids and the head teacher from my internship site.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Thank You Letter

With all my respect, thank you for helping me to learn more about how to interact with kids and the importance of being part of an organization that introduce kids to  a new language. I feel so glad that you have given to me an opportunity in this place. I have recognized that by changing others’ lives and teaching them how to deal with struggles and problems can made them better, Helping kids to learn Spanish and learn about numbers and letters is a great action because this is the moment for them to take action for themselves and learn.
To maintain this spirit of open teaching in the future is my goal. I hope to see more achievements and success among the students and hope to so that others can say that I am a special person in their lives.. I had wished to find an organization like this when I was a child, that I could have helped with the learning.Something I really like about your organization and the Montessori method of learning is that you have teach to kids the importance of starting their education before they get into elementary school, by using a very traditional and historic  method of teaching that is the Montessori system.
Thank you for being so respectful and supportive of me and by making me feel part of your institution.  I learned a lot from this experience of teaching kids, what is correct and what is not.  You have a great quality as a human being - that you are a very friendly person that always has a smile on your face and who always treats everyone equally at El Pequeno Artista.
I appreciate your advice and help so much. This internship has been great because it allowed me to offer students a special space for them to learn important stuff. I hope I will always be a special person in their lives. They will be in mine. Thanks a lot for the opportunity. I wish you the best in the world. 
Joangel Lopez

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Photo Essay

Went Best
     Science field is a great campus, especially when you teach the little to learn about science and the beauty of it. During the last days especially the ones that were raining I was doing some work out of my internship location, I was collecting some worms to create a small Science-lab with the head teacher to teach the children about worms and snail, and to let them take a closer look to this insects, I was very exiting by looking at some of them faces. I feel very glad about his action that would introduce a new field to the children at El Pequeño Artista. 

Dora our pet, Dora is a turtle that have pass through many challenges one of her difficult times in when we put her over the floor to give her some freedom, but this freedom sometimes became a disaster when all the kids ran behind her and don’t let her alone but I’m a there to save her, Dora is a adopted turtle but for all us she a very gentle animal that for part of an institution, she  have two special tank one is for the day and other for night she usually love the night one more because it have water inside, Dora have contributed  to be part of a school and to help kinds to not be scare of animal in life. 

In this board of painting, where great moments have been sticking, this is one of the more special object  that  I think my internship site have, this is the mind where many artists have been put in their ideas with special touches, that every day they all   have something new and incredible to impress  us. I think color just rise up, what minds can create and transfer those specials touches into reality and physical chemistry.

                                                        Difficult to Handle 
      one of the most difficult part of my internship after it’s gone, but I can said for the entire city that it’s public transportation after my internship is finished, I get into the train station and wait for the R train, but I have to said something this is one of the most slow trains, sometimes I have to wait for 10ms. And it still not come, but I create a great idea that it’s that I have to get out of my internship site a little more early so, I can catch the train.

      Cleaning the tank rocks, is one of the very difficult part also, those rock have something green sticking, and it’s pretty hard to take off but with a brush and hard work there is nothing that would stop me of take  off the green stuff from the  rocks. while at the the end I feel exausted from cleaning of the rocks.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

New Vocabulary

(1)- Word: iconoclast-- iconoclasta 
Meaning: a person who attack a common believe or institucion.

Sentence: iconoclast are being inrespectfull with people from different religion.

 (2)-Word: hapless-- infeliz 
Meaning: Unlucky, bad luck. 

Sentence: The hapless man, is feelign bad about his luck.

(3)- Word: hegemony--hegemonía
Meaning: Dominate over other, to have control of others.
Sentence: Goverment are hegemony on the world. 

(4)- Word: impinge--inpactar
Meaning: To impact, make impression 

Sentence: Miguel have a great impinge in public speaking. 

(5)- Word: anathema--anatema
Meaning: Not a person loved by the others, or hated person.

Sentence: The world is full of anathema persons. 

 (6)-Word: arrogate--apropiarse
Meaning:  To take stuff as they were yours.

Sentence: The young guy is being arrogate during class period by taking other students stuff.
(7)-Word: ascetic--asceta
Menaing:  Practicing something as a self-discipline
Sentence: Is great to be ascetic during free time at home.

(8)-Word: assiduous--asiduo
Menaing: Hard-working 
Sentence: Mexican people that work in construction use do a lot of assidous, during the day.

(9)-Word: boon--bedicion
Menaing: A gift and blessig 
Sentence: The boon of Christmas is great.

(10)-Word: coax
Menaing: To obtain something by coaxing.
Sentence: Coax is a very nice way to obtain something.