Friday, May 25, 2012

Internship Final Reflection

   From the start of my internship my personal goal was, to impress my supervisor and the co-worker, I have achieved this goal, by helping the kids to learn how to count numbers, and also reading books to them and explain with actions the main point of the story.
  One important skill that I have learn from the past 10 weeks from my internship site is, to deal with kids and how to find the best way to help them to learn something.
  Having a relationship with my supervisor and mentor have meant to my personal development, much than what I thought it was going to be, thanks to my supervisor and mentor I have learn very important things such as having good connections with others, and also how to be a mature and professional person in front of adults.  As a student in this nation I have grew up, by having networking with others and also as a more prepared person during this generation.
 One of my more memorable moments from my internship experience, was the first time I meet the kids and the head teacher at El Pequeno Artista
My thoughts about career, job and the professional world, I think this is a great field where we enjoy and do what we love to do, and every day we can spent something new and more interesting about our job or profession.
Internship have been a great place to help me discover more my interest in college and obtain my diploma in the profession I’m interesting in, as a result of it I keep myself interesting and with the hope to pursue the fame and form part of its field.
My bigger challenges had be my sophomore year, when everything stated to get harder to me and difficult to keep myself focused in my classes. The way I handle this challenge was by talking to my mom and Ms: Patty about my feelings and also by saying to myself that I can, and that there is nothing impossible to get done and by saying to myself that I got to stop this problem and become a better person in life.
If I were going to start a brand new internship next week, two things that I would do differently than my first time, research well my internship location and be very attentive with the hours.
Some advices that I would give to a new intern are; never be in respectful to your supervisor, get on time to your internship site and always say thanks, not matter what.
I will really miss the kids and the head teacher from my internship site.

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