Tuesday, May 1, 2012

New Vocabulary

(1)- Word: iconoclast-- iconoclasta 
Meaning: a person who attack a common believe or institucion.

Sentence: iconoclast are being inrespectfull with people from different religion.

 (2)-Word: hapless-- infeliz 
Meaning: Unlucky, bad luck. 

Sentence: The hapless man, is feelign bad about his luck.

(3)- Word: hegemony--hegemonía
Meaning: Dominate over other, to have control of others.
Sentence: Goverment are hegemony on the world. 

(4)- Word: impinge--inpactar
Meaning: To impact, make impression 

Sentence: Miguel have a great impinge in public speaking. 

(5)- Word: anathema--anatema
Meaning: Not a person loved by the others, or hated person.

Sentence: The world is full of anathema persons. 

 (6)-Word: arrogate--apropiarse
Meaning:  To take stuff as they were yours.

Sentence: The young guy is being arrogate during class period by taking other students stuff.
(7)-Word: ascetic--asceta
Menaing:  Practicing something as a self-discipline
Sentence: Is great to be ascetic during free time at home.

(8)-Word: assiduous--asiduo
Menaing: Hard-working 
Sentence: Mexican people that work in construction use do a lot of assidous, during the day.

(9)-Word: boon--bedicion
Menaing: A gift and blessig 
Sentence: The boon of Christmas is great.

(10)-Word: coax
Menaing: To obtain something by coaxing.
Sentence: Coax is a very nice way to obtain something.

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